पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध सेवाओं के फॉर्म

13.3 (B) रासायनिक कीटनाशक विनिर्माण लायसेंस जारी करना
[See Sub-rule (1) of Rule 9]
1.Udyog Aadhaar Number (i.e. DL05A0000001) *
2. (a) Name of the Applicant *
(b) Address of Applicant

Max Length 240 characters

(c) Email ID
3.Whether the application is for *
4.Address of manufacturing premises(in case of licence to manufacture)
(i)Complete address of premises(with PIN Code) *

Max Length 250 characters

(ii).Name of insecticides and its registration number(enclose copy of certificate of registration of the insecticide duly certified by the applicant) *

Max Length 200 characters

(iii).Validity of certificate of registration(as on certificate of registration) *
5.M/s Firm Complete Address(Name,Complete Address etc.) *

Max Length 250 characters

6.Complete address (including name of the lane, PIN Code, etc.) of the premises, where the insecticide(s) shall be
(a) Stored/Stocked

Max Length 250 characters

(b) Whether any of the above premises is situated in residential area (undertaking to be submitted)
(c) Whether food articles are also stored in any of the above premises (undertaking to be submitted)
7.(a) Qualification of the applicant/ the technical personnel under employment of the applicant
अध्यतन करने हेतु विकल्प हटाने हेतु विकल्प सं. क्र. (a) Name and designation (b) Qualification (c) Experience
(a) Name and designation *
(b) Qualification *
(c) Experience *
(b) Whether fulfill minimum qualification as per Insecticide rules
8.Training (wherever applicable)
(a) Name of the training/course
(b) Duration of training/course
(c) Certificate awarded, if any:(Enclose supporting documents)

Max Length 250 characters

9.In case of licence to manufacture name of the insecticides(s) and its/their manufacturer/importer which the applicant intends to deal in and status of the principal certificate(s) in the format give below(Please enclose principle certificate(s) as per format Appended):
अध्यतन करने हेतु विकल्प हटाने हेतु विकल्प सं. क्र. (a) Particulars of Insecticide (b) Name of the Manufacturer/ Importer (c) Number of certificate of registration (d) Date of issue/validity
(a) Particulars of Insecticide *
(b) Name of the Manufacturer/ Importer *
(c) Number of certificate of registration *
(d) Date of issue/validity
10.Full particulars of licence(s), if issued in the name of the applicant by any other state in the area of their jurisdiction

Max Length 240 characters

11.In case of renewal
(a) Please state licence number
(b) Please state date of grant (DD/MM/YYYY)
12.Particulars of the application fee paid by the applicant
13.Any other relevant information

Max Length 250 characters

14.Manufacture Name(s) and Designation of the expert staff
अध्यतन करने हेतु विकल्प हटाने हेतु विकल्प सं. क्र. (a).Name(s) of the expert staff (b).Designation of the Expert staff
(a).Name(s) of the expert staff *
(b).Designation of the Expert staff *
15.Payment Details
15(a).Payment Method *
(i) Payment Fee (In Rs.)
(ii)Challan Number
(iii) Bank_ChallanDate (DD/MM/YYYY)
(iv) Bank Name
16. मैं अपने प्रमाण-पत्र को अपने डिजिटल लॉकर में रखने की सहमति प्रदान करता हूँ। (असहमति के लिये अनटिक करें)
(यह सहमति/असहमति आवेदक से पूछ कर आवश्यक रूप से अपडेट की जाय)
17.Applicant Photo


: : Declaration : :

a).I ---- s/d/o ---- do hereby solemnly verify that the information given in the application and the annexures and statements accompanying it is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed. I clearly understand that this license is liable to be cancelled, if any information, or part thereof, is found to be wrong, fake or false at any stage or any condition of license is violated.
b).I declare that we have adequate space and facilities to stock insecticides, so as to maintain their quality on shelf.
c).I shall not supply insecticide(s) to any distributor or dealer or person who does not have adequate space and facilities to stock them so as to maintain their quality on shelf under every circumstances. (for application for licence to manufacture)
d).I also declare that I shall not take possession of any stock without satisfying myself with the quality thereof.
e).I undertake that we shall forthwith inform any change in the responsible technical person.
f).I undertake that we shall forthwith inform any change in principle certificate to the licensing officer (not applicable for application for licence to manufacture)
g).I further declare that I am making this application in my capacity as --- and that I am competent to make this application and verify it by virtue of , an attested copy of which is enclosed herewith. I further declare that I shall abide by the conditions laid down in the license and failure to do so shall render the license liable to cancellation.

Signature of the applicant

आवश्यक दस्तावेज (आवेदक द्वारा स्वप्रमाणित) :

दिनांक :
स्थान :


आवेदक का नाम

Source: http://mpedistrict.gov.in Friday, October 18, 2024 6:02 PM